This is a video clip that had been posted in youtube some year ago.
What Happen is the passenger unable to get his refund.
So, The passenger get very angry and hit + kick the driver
As a matter of fact, there are around 30 people inside this bus
but without giving any help to the driver
What did you say?
[..YouTube..] awesome
[..YouTube..] this is the real china
[..YouTube..] fuck off,what the hell wrong with the wuhanese?damn it
[..YouTube..] 真是败类
[..YouTube..] 我在场我一定打那些败类!28位顾客都是垃圾!不敢帮忙,他们没有生存的意义了!最好去人道毁灭!!!
[..YouTube..] 这些外地民工很可怕,我很怀疑他们带有凶器,这些人称为暴徒不为过。不过国人的素质也就这样了,无奈。大家也不要用英文讨论了,非常丢脸。
[..YouTube..] 后面乘客就算不上前,至少打一个110吧。这几个打人的败类应该全部关十年。
[..YouTube..] 說真的
[..YouTube..] i am agreed with Gxzaizai if i m fucking there i will fucking kill thos mother fucker and the people in the back is all garbage dident help at all
[..YouTube..] think a bid more… when the whole gov. system become a big thuggish gang, rob and trash ppl with iron fist, and ppl lose all faith to the judicial system…maybe those ppl are too afraid that those thugs are sons of the some big fat local CCP branch secretary…
[..YouTube..] 为什么总是事后 大家开始打抱不平呢?
想想我们如果在场 应该怎么做吧
[..YouTube..] 湖北人
[..YouTube..] 唉..说实在的,在武汉呆了几年,我还真的想打那些公交车司机.他们本身素质就是很欠打得
[..YouTube..] no one help the bus driver
so sad…
[..YouTube..] 幹哩娘
[..YouTube..] welcome to my channal
[..YouTube..] 請支持臺獨!
[..YouTube..] 都是些籃子
[..YouTube..] 悲哀
[..YouTube..] 支持把發展神七的資源用在城巿治安上
[..YouTube..] 台独分子
[..YouTube..] 是匪徒的错吗? 看看这群人,只会在乎自己的性命.